HTC Software Updates Plan 24.03
As a good tradition we continue out monthly digest regarding future HTC Software updates.
We can see, that many things have changed since last update 20.02.14. HTC One, HTC One Dual SIM, One Max and One Mini got 4.4.2 updates (Not all regions got updates yet). But we are ready to move on, last changes are saying that Sense 6.0 will arrive on current line of device much earlier than expected. In case of HTC One (2013) we might see it in May. It’s clearly can be seen that HTC uses Apple path, when all current devices receive updated software with new flagship. So in 3-4 months period all HTC One line 2013 and Butterfly S devices will be updated to Sense 6.0. Recent news are saying that Android 4.4.3 (KTU72B) is on the way to consumers, so release dates might shift.
Remember, this scheduler is not final, many things might change very quickly.
Zara_UL already getting 4.4.2, thx for tip @HTCsoku